Quick Facts About Nebraska Business
1913 | Year Established
1 of 17 | Founding members and accredited in business and accounting by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
6 | Academic departments
9 | Centers and institutes
17 | Advisory boards
240,000 | Square feet in Howard L. Hawks Hall
$84 Million | Privately-funded Hawks Hall completed in 2017
1 of 2% | of institutions with AACSB accreditation for both business and accounting
1 of 20 | Centers for Actuarial Excellence in the U.S. as named by the Society of Actuaries
1 of 36 | University affiliation programs of the CFA Institute in the U.S.
Undergraduate Programs
11 | Majors: Accountancy, Actuarial Science, Agribusiness, Business Administration, Business and Law, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing and Supply Chain Management
10 | Academic advisors who educate, empower and encourage students through academic, personal and professional development
1 | Certificate program in sales excellence offered to students of any major
13 | Minors: Accountancy, Actuarial Science, Business for Non-Business Majors, Business Analytics, Clifton Builders Management, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Global Leadership, Law and Business, Management, Marketing and Supply Chain Management
4 | Professional Enhancement Program one-credit-hour courses focused on students’ career and professional development
1-on-1 | Strengths coaching to help first-year students succeed by discovering and leveraging their strengths
A Customizable Undergraduate Experience
25+ | Recognized student organizations to match interests in business
15+ | Study abroad program options
2 | Business learning communities for living and studying with other business students
3 | Tracks – building new businesses, communities or teams – Clifton Builders can pursue to channel their leadership potential to change the world
3 | Academic programs cultivating valuable undergraduate research experience
168 | High-achieving students in the Nebraska Business Honors Academy
10 | Years named a top university for professional sales education by the Sales Education Foundation
80 | Students selected and trained as student strengths coaches through the Clifton Strengths Institute
4 | Student competitions to sharpen entrepreneurial skills
8-Week | International Student Employment Readiness Certificate prepares students to seek U.S. opportunities
Undergraduate Career Development and Outcomes
300+ | Employers to meet at business career fairs
90% | 2020-21 bachelor’s degree graduates reported employment or continuing their education within six months of graduation
2 | Career expeditions a year to explore career opportunities in regional and national locations
5 | Career fairs targeting business
97% | Nebraska Business Honors Academy students accepted offers of jobs or to further their education before graduation
77% | of students who graduated in 2020-21 completed an internship during their academic career
Graduate Certificates and Master's Degree Programs
#2 | Online MBA in the Big Ten by The Princeton Review (2023)
#24 | Best Online MBA Program for Veterans by U.S. News & World Report (2024)
#8 | Online MBA program by The Princeton Review (2023)
#9 | Online MBA in the World by Financial Times (2022)
#29 | Online MBA program by U.S. News & World Report (2024)
#16 | Online MBA Among Public Institutions, Poets&Quants (2024)
33% | Salary increase reported by MBA alumni to Financial Times (2022)
4 | Online master's programs: MBA@Nebraska, Business Analytics, Finance and Supply Chain Management
3 | On-campus master’s programs: Accountancy, Actuarial Science and Economics
3 | Joint master's programs: MPA/Juris Doctor, MBA/Architecture, MBA/Juris Doctor
9 | Online graduate certificate programs: Business Analytics, Financial Analytics, Human Resource Management, Marketing Analytics, Sales Excellence, Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Strategic Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Analytics
64 | States and countries represented by students enrolled in the MBA@Nebraska program
Ph.D. Programs
2 | Ph.D. majors: Ph.D. in Business (specializations in Accountancy, Finance, Management, Marketing and Supply Chain Management and Analytics) and Ph.D. in Economics
1 | Ph.D. minor in business for Ph.D. students with majors outside the College of Business
3 | Internal grant competitions per year for Ph.D. students who are co-principal investigators with faculty on research projects
1 | Travel grant a year to present an authored paper at a national conference
Faculty and Research
College of Business Research Support to Faculty in AY2021-22
$1.5 Million | Awarded in summer research support to 57 top researchers
$99,000 | Awarded in internal grants competitions to 44 principal investigators for 33 research projects
1 of 29 | In the country, the Central Plains Federal Statistical Research Data Center (RDC) on campus offers direct access to Census and other data (including restricted use data)
20+ | Databases to access, both standard (e.g., WRDS) and specialized (e.g., Gallup World Poll)
Life is Right in Lincoln
#1 | Cleanest Metropolitan Area in the Country for Ozone, American Lung Association (2020)
#2 | City with the Best Work-life Balance, SmartAsset (2020)
#3 | Best City in the Country for Young Professionals, SmartAsset (2020)
#7 | Happiest Cities in the U.S., WalletHub (2021)
#8 | Most Caring Cities in the U.S., WalletHub (2020)
#10 | Best Income & Employment, WalletHub (2021)
#12 | Best Places to Live, Livability (2020)
#21 | Best Cities to Find a Job, WalletHub (2021)
#7 | America’s Top States for Business, CNBC (2022)
128 | Miles of Trails with Short Commutes to Various Open Spaces