Experience Award-Winning Career Coaching
A national leader in preparing students for lifelong career success, the Business Career Center’s innovative services and programs help you develop confidence, professionalism and connections. At Nebraska, you have access to a different employer every day in Hawks Hall and a strong alumni network. Meeting with a career coach, you can explore majors and careers, develop your résumé and cover letters, refine your LinkedIn and learn strategies for interviews, identifying opportunities and negotiating job offers.
Meet With a Career Coach
We’re available to assist you with all of your career-related questions.
Schedule an appointment through Student Success Hub, call 402-472-7272 or email businesscareers@unl.edu. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available.
Drop-in hours (in-person only) are available year- round. See us for 20 minutes or less Monday through Friday between 1-4pm.
Schedule an Appointment Through Student Success Hub
Navigate to my.unl.edu and select Student Success Hub. (Find and schedule appointments with your advisors and academic coaches.)
Husker Connect
Husker Connect provides a platform for Nebraska Business students, alumni and professionals to actively connect. Huskers guiding Huskers on campus, in careers and through life.
Learn MoreEmployer in Residence
Employer in Residence showcases employers who recruit Nebraska Business students and provides engagement opportunities for students, faculty and staff such as information booths, presentations, resume reviews and more.
Employer Partners Day
As an employer, the annual Employer Partners Day is an excellent opportunity to create new connections with College of Business faculty and staff. It’s also a chance to learn how to increase your presence on campus and benchmark with other hiring organizations.
Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP)
The Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP) includes four, one-credit hour courses focused on your career and professional development. This unique and innovative curriculum prepares you to not only successfully find an internship or full-time job, but also to succeed in your career and personal life after college.
BSAD 111: PrEP I Investing in Strengths
Discover and maximize your individual talents.
BSAD 222: PrEP II Career Development & Planning
Develop your career goals and craft your resume.
BSAD 333: PrEP III Internship and Job Search Strategies
Learn how to find and apply for the position you want.
BSAD 444: PrEP IV Professional and Life Skills
Transition successfully from college to career.
Upcoming Events
![success bell](/business/sites/unl.edu.business/files/media/image/success-bell.gif)
Ring the Success Bell
Not only are we with you every step in your career journey, but we celebrate with you too! Celebrate getting your internship or full-time position or getting accepted into graduate school. The Success Bell is located in our office (HLH 141).
Use these graphics to announce on social media that you have been Husker Hired.
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Find Nebraska Business on Social Media
Business Career Center
Students: businesscareers@unl.edu | Employers: hirebusiness@unl.edu
HLH 141